Rudbeckia, commonly known as Black-Eyed Susan, is a vibrant perennial plant renowned for its stunning golden-yellow daisy-like flowers with dark brown to black centers. These flowers bloom abundantly from mid-summer through early fall, attracting butterflies and bees to the garden with their nectar-rich blooms.
- Size: Typically grows to a height of 18 to 24 inches, with a spread of 12 to 18 inches, forming a dense clump of foliage.
- Sunlight: Plant Black-Eyed Susans in full sun to partial shade. They thrive in locations with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
- Soil: Ensure well-draining soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH. These plants are adaptable to various soil types, but they prefer fertile, moist soil.
- Watering: Water regularly during the growing season, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Once established, Black-Eyed Susans are moderately drought-tolerant.
- Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer in spring to promote healthy growth and prolific flowering. Avoid excessive fertilization, as it may lead to leggy growth and fewer blooms.
- Pruning: Deadhead spent flowers regularly to prolong the blooming period and encourage continuous flowering. Cut back the foliage in late fall or early spring to tidy up the plant.
- Dividing: Every few years, divide overcrowded clumps in early spring to rejuvenate the plants and maintain vigor.
- Pest and Disease Control: Redbeckia Goldsturm is relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, keep an eye out for aphids, slugs, and powdery mildew, especially in humid conditions. Treat any issues promptly with appropriate control measures.
- Winter Care: Provide a layer of mulch around the base of the plant in late fall to insulate the roots and protect them from freezing temperatures. In colder climates, Black-Eyed Susans may benefit from additional winter protection, such as covering with burlap or straw.